This policy is aimed to provide guidance to coaches, parents and players on the best approach to ensure a safe training and playing environment on days of extreme heat.
A day of Extreme Heat is defined as a forecasted temperature of 35°C or more on the day training is to be held, as indicated by the BOM (Bureau Of Meteorology) Weather App. The forecast is also available on the Bureau of Meteorology website - www.bom.gov.au.
The club’s policy is that training will not be held if, according to the BOM Weather App or BOM website the forecasted temperature will be 35°C when the first training session for the day commences.
The decision as to whether training will go ahead or not will be assessed by the Head Coaches in the morning and again at lunch time. At lunch time, a final decision will be made and communicated to both Coaches and Team Managers who will inform their teams.
On hot days which do not fall into the category of an extreme heat day, the safety of the players can be maintained with a common sense approach. Coaches are advised to amend the training program to ensure it is not too intense. Parents should ensure players have adequate water available before, during and after training. Players should bring extra water bottles, drink regularly and rest if they become too fatigued. Naturally, parents can choose to keep their child away from training if they believe it is in their best interest.
With regard to competition game days, the policy of the Waverley Basketball Association for the junior domestic competition is the overriding policy. This policy can be found on their website http://waverleybasketball.com/_section/_edit/_424/_attachments/NEW%20Heat%20Policy.pdf and takes account of the air conditioning facility in place at the WBA stadium. The main focus of their policy is to reduce game time and provide extra compulsory time outs.
The policy at Mckinnon Basketball Association for the junior domestic competition can be found on their website https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63995be8241ae54a4286807b/t/63bb8da81b2c46106c2f6825/1673235880856/MBA%2BHeat%2BPolicy_updated%2BMay%2B2020.pdf
The Maccabi Victoria Basketball Club’s Executive Committee has the authority to cancel all competition games for club teams on days of extreme heat should we believe it is in the best interest of the players.
Where a player has any special medical conditions, parents should take professional advice concerning their child’s participation in training and games on any hot days.